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Comment by btreecat

2 months ago

> Sounds nice and virtuous... until you remember there exist gangs of homeless people who mug law-abiding citizens, retreat into the structures that you want defended from demolishing, and cry victim when people want to stop their crimes. Not to mention they use the said structures as a hub to distribute drugs to the local community of teenagers.

There are folks who are not homeless who participate in criminal enterprise.

It's unlikely that a successful criminal is homeless, as doing crime successfully generally leaves you with money.

Like wage theft.

> So do these parents truly lack empathy, how do you think? Or they say "no matter what hand life dealt you, please just stay away from my kids"? > > What's your opinion?

Yes, some parents let the empathetic part of their brain that covers people not in their family die. "Fuck you, I got mine" is a popular mentality amongst those who believe in bootstrap and american excepptionalism.


  • [flagged]

    • > Supporting actions out of retribution

      Not retribution. Justice. Mugging / robbing people of valuables is illegal.

      > Watching out for others is good and necessary, but in now what is "bulldozing peoples stuff" a real form of watching out for others.

      I am losing patience with you. You blame me for not reading while you are not doing it yourself. I said those abandoned / derelict buildings were used as "bases" / "operation centers" if you will. Sigh.

      > Violence is already illegal. I am not sure what value you or any one gains by "otherising" a boogeyman rather than addressing the issues that cause violence.

      ...? Seems you just need somebody to talk with because you are just dissecting words here. Glad we at least managed to agree on something super basic like, you know, that what I described homeless people are doing is actually illegal. It's a start.

      > Both myopic and under-informed on that particular subject.

      Meh. Bye.