Comment by xyzzy4747
5 days ago
It also reminds me how the most upvoted comments on Reddit often reflect the consensus opinion but not necessarily the truth.
5 days ago
It also reminds me how the most upvoted comments on Reddit often reflect the consensus opinion but not necessarily the truth.
How could a voting system anywhere be expected to represent truth rather than consensus?
It probably depends if the audience is intelligent and open-minded, but I agree, it will always be biased towards their preconceptions.
Even then that's consensus on what the participants believe to be true (whether it's what they believed beforehand or not) - not a method of determining what is actually true.
Also, almost always highly emotional if you're on a popular subreddit's post.
I picked a random post on the home page, this one for example:
The comments are all
"The oligarchs would never go for it."
or "It’s a cult." and on and on.
I think this is particularly true in rage bait posts on Reddit, which is most of the home page these days.
This is a great line, thanks.