Comment by JohnMakin
4 days ago
> Focusing on defining clear processes for recurring events and building the fundamental building blocks that allows you to automate when it's absolutely needed should be the method, not spending more time writing Terraform.
For one, I don't really consider terraform "automation," and more IaC, but I'll digress - this is all well and good in mature organizations with robust processes and aligned leadership. In practice, however, and what I find most often, is you will find very small "devops" shops in companies that aren't necessarily "tech" sized 50-300 people with a devops team of 3-5 people (if they're lucky) that the organization, or sometimes even themselves, see as glorified IT sysadmins. They're always seen as an expense, usually critically understaffed, and if you leave teams like this to decide on their own what is "necessary" to automate you're going to get weird/misaligned/dysfunctional results, and even moreso if you let the business decide this, which is what usually happens, and they don't really give a crap if some poor former-sysadmin has to spend 12 hours a day clicking buttons in aws console as long as they get what they needed (actually have seen a guy making 150k to basically do just this).
So what happens, like I said, is teams get into this hell-loop of manual task after manual task, which not only requires large amounts of mental bandwidth to keep track of or keep up to date all the documentation or playbooks surrounding these manual tasks (if you're lucky to get even that), you have to deal with the inevitable mistakes and errors that are common when doing things strictly manually, which eats up a ton of unnecessary time and thus $$.
I agree though most devops consultants are terrible, and the industry is driven by this, however, this is the specific niche I've carved out for myself, coming in after big terrible crappy consultant that basically just pitches a brittle jenkins CI setup and some basic terraform and charges you $250k for their time. I actually really enjoy doing it too, and the challenges and issues are almost always unique to the org, even if the patterns are similar - so it's always interesting.
So, long story short, unless you have a super robust process and mature system, it's usually just a lot easier to default to "automate" and come up with reasonable exceptions when it doesn't make sense to do so, rather than the other way around.
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