← Back to context Comment by JumpCrisscross 3 days ago > CMV?Convince me…variably? Cytomegalovirus? 9 comments JumpCrisscross Reply SllX 3 days ago Reddit lingo. Change My View. Dylan16807 3 days ago I have never seen anyone abbreviate it like that before. Let's not do that. SllX 3 days ago 1) Let’s not prescribe language-use on the web instead. Something that originates in one place does not always stay in one place. How does that sound?2) It’s abbreviated in every single thread on the sub in which it originated: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/3) Now that you have seen it and received the explanation, you will recognize it and can be the messenger in the future. 4 replies → eesmith 3 days ago https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=CMV says 'Change My View', though 'Catch My Vibe' also works here. anal_reactor 3 days ago [flagged]
SllX 3 days ago Reddit lingo. Change My View. Dylan16807 3 days ago I have never seen anyone abbreviate it like that before. Let's not do that. SllX 3 days ago 1) Let’s not prescribe language-use on the web instead. Something that originates in one place does not always stay in one place. How does that sound?2) It’s abbreviated in every single thread on the sub in which it originated: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/3) Now that you have seen it and received the explanation, you will recognize it and can be the messenger in the future. 4 replies →
Dylan16807 3 days ago I have never seen anyone abbreviate it like that before. Let's not do that. SllX 3 days ago 1) Let’s not prescribe language-use on the web instead. Something that originates in one place does not always stay in one place. How does that sound?2) It’s abbreviated in every single thread on the sub in which it originated: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/3) Now that you have seen it and received the explanation, you will recognize it and can be the messenger in the future. 4 replies →
SllX 3 days ago 1) Let’s not prescribe language-use on the web instead. Something that originates in one place does not always stay in one place. How does that sound?2) It’s abbreviated in every single thread on the sub in which it originated: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/3) Now that you have seen it and received the explanation, you will recognize it and can be the messenger in the future. 4 replies →
eesmith 3 days ago https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=CMV says 'Change My View', though 'Catch My Vibe' also works here.
Reddit lingo. Change My View.
I have never seen anyone abbreviate it like that before. Let's not do that.
1) Let’s not prescribe language-use on the web instead. Something that originates in one place does not always stay in one place. How does that sound?
2) It’s abbreviated in every single thread on the sub in which it originated: https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/
3) Now that you have seen it and received the explanation, you will recognize it and can be the messenger in the future.
4 replies →
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=CMV says 'Change My View', though 'Catch My Vibe' also works here.