Comment by Al-Khwarizmi
4 days ago
My son kept using it because it was fun. You don't have to optimize everything.
By the way, buying things that are useful for a short amount of time is not such a waste if you embrace the second hand market. Which at least in my country, is very lively for kids' stuff.
My son used his so much that I had to replace the tires. The guy at the bike shop said they had never ordered that size.
Second hand? What a waste! The neighborhood co-working space has a free pile of kids stuff divided by age range. It works pretty much like a library: people take some and leave some. Every once in a while some stuff gets thrown out because it's broken or too used up and donations come in regularly. They got to a point where they had to refuse some donations because they had no room.
> It works pretty much like a library: people take some and leave some
Sounds like second hand.