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Comment by wizzwizz4

2 months ago

I have never been able to track down what "cnoeppkes" is supposed to mean.

My guess is "Knöpfchen" (German for "little button"). The "chen" suffix is difficult to pronounce for English speakers, so it's replaced by the word "keys" (as in the buttons of a keyboard)

  • > The "chen" suffix is difficult to pronounce for English speakers, so it's replaced by the word "keys" (as in the buttons of a keyboard)

    Not quite. The -ke ending here is just another regional variant of the diminutive. The s at the end is a colloquial plural form.

    So the transformation from German to this weird german-english would be:

    Knöpfe - Knöpfchen - Knöppkes - Cnoeppkes

    • Another detail you didn't mention: knopp or knoppe is a Low German (northern German) variant of Standard German Knopf. That's where the pf--pp alternation arises.

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