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Comment by throw7

2 months ago

fyi, to remove the pedal on the left side (non-drive side), you turn wrench to the right (clockwise) to loosen (that's opposite to what you would normally do).

Note: the point though the author is (or should be) making is to take "baby steps". Break down learning into smaller problems. Taking on whole new things at the same time is difficult and overloading causing frustration (esp for kids).

anyway, don't remove the pedals. find a road that slopes down slightly and have the kid just sit and coast to the bottom. add in turning and eventually pedaling.

I work in a bike shop and still fuck this up periodically. It's especially confusing because some pedals only remove from the "back side" with an 8mm Allen wrench.

The easiest way to get it right is if you have a ratchet and a 15mm crow's foot socket. Set it for lefty-loosey before you attack the left side of the bike and you probably can't go too far wrong. Of course, if you have a breaker bar out, this doesn't work.

The other left-threaded bit on a bike is the drive-side of the bottom bracket. Spoke nipples appear to be left threaded, but that's because in the usual case, you're looking at them from the wrong side in a truing stand.