Comment by fbuitron
3 days ago
A couple of years ago, I read this cool article about how humans tend to solve problems by adding things. Training wheels are a perfect example - we add these extra wheels to help kids learn how to ride bikes. But there's actually a less obvious approach that involves taking things away, and the article explored this concept across different areas.
I'm from Uruguay, and here we have something really cool called a "Chivita" - it's basically a wooden bike without pedals that toddlers use. Kids learn to balance on two wheels before they ever touch a regular bicycle. When my 5-year-old moved from the Chivita to a real bike, it only took just a couple of tries. Its amazing! If you're curious, just Google "Chivitas bikes Uruguay" to see what they look like! (Chivito is our traditional sandwich so you might get false hits ;))
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