Comment by krainboltgreene
2 months ago
> basically go back to old SMF/php forums with maximum 100s of known people. I thought about this recently… It was really better times.
I'm going to take a wild guess and assume this is how you grew up?
2 months ago
> basically go back to old SMF/php forums with maximum 100s of known people. I thought about this recently… It was really better times.
I'm going to take a wild guess and assume this is how you grew up?
It's simply a better model to connected online. I use present tense because the "better times" didn't really go away: it becomes Discord servers.
The bad part, of course, is that Discord is owned by one single entity and not indexed like the open web is.
I did, and it truly was better. Threaded forums are far better at facilitating complex discussions, organizing information, and making the information accessible. Today, most communication is happening inside the walled gardens of Facebook, Discord, etc. That information is effectively being lost rather than being neatly organized and easily searchable.
Kind of, yeah.
IRC, simple php forums, no TLS, easy stuff. Nowadays we're full of technology and very poor content. In no way can mastodon (mentioning because it's the defacto decentralized social media) solve that problem. It's really easy to post stuff that shouldn't be posted.
On the other hand, crappy looking forums, slow internet connection, you really had to take the time to think about what to say and mainly why say it in the first place. It was more about the content than about quantity.