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Comment by lolinder

2 months ago

> it's pretty much a crapshoot whether you end up in a weird religious environment or an abusive environment, with a long-shot chance of ending up in a fun constructive environment with lots of personalised attention and the opportunity to travel the world.

It's a crapshoot for the kid, but a parent who's considering homeschooling knows pretty well whether they are going to be the fundamentalist type or not. If they are, they likely aren't here reading this discussion.

I assume GP was considering the societal value of homeschooling. I.e., what (if any) bureaucratic checks should be in place to ensure the children are actually being educated (assuming that home schooling is legal at all).

There are a lot of types of fundamentalists. I don't know that being raised in some sort of AI Accelerationist Musk/Theil-adjacent Silicon Valley environment is necessarily going to go particularly well for the kid either...