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Comment by nozzlegear

2 months ago

Yeah, this shit is why I was hesitant to dive into the topic. You've made several leaps of logic here that I don't feel like debunking or discussing further, and I'll note that you've conveniently forgotten to defend the most controversial part of his statement – that the engineered virus supposedly curves its lethality away from Ashkenazi Jews as well, which would imply that that group also had something to do with its manufacture.

It’s entirely possible that it’s a coincidence, groups of people share genes in common. It’s actually rather unlikely that a gene, especially one that seems to confer some resistance to the effects of a virus, would exist for only one group of people in the entire world.

I would love to hear about my leaps in logic honestly.

Nobody is saying that it was definitely ethnically targeted, but it IS plausible. Just because the ethnicity involved makes you uncomfortable doesn’t mean that it’s not possible.

Your comment suggests it’s an outrageous notion, but if that’s true then just give a decent argument why it’s actually outrageous.

Chinese leadership have specifically mentioned ethnically targeted bio weapons:


>In 2017, a textbook published by the People's Liberation Army National Defence University called the Science of Military Strategy debuted the potential for biological warfare to include "specific ethnic genetic attacks."[10][11] The same year, former People's Liberation Army general Zhang Shibo authored a book that concluded that "modern biotechnology development is gradually showing strong signs characteristic of an offensive capability," including "specific ethnic genetic attacks" (特定种族基因攻击).[10] In 2020, a professor at the same PLA university spoke of the "huge war effectiveness" of a "targeted attack that destroys a race, or a specific group of people."