Comment by nozzlegear
2 months ago
> So the only contribution of Big Pharma is that they take the risk
That seems to me like the big thing you're kind of glossing over. Like I said, I don't really want to go to the mat for them, but I'm sure there's plenty of risks Big Pharma corps have taken buying up research they thought would pay off and then failed to bring to market.
Maybe it'd be better to have governments buying the research and bringing it to market, but as this subthread hints at, profit is one of the big motivations for researchers to do what they do. Hopefully the government would still be paying big bucks for the research, and hopefully the taxpayers wouldn't vote in someone who wants to gut whatever arm of the government is responsible for that after enough failed purchases.
>and hopefully the taxpayers wouldn't vote in someone who wants to gut whatever arm of the government is responsible for that after enough failed purchases.
Oh, well, that would never happen now would it?
A government, by its size, can spread the risks.
I don't disagree, my point is that it would introduce different risks.