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Comment by breppp

16 days ago

Probably the most efficient way of creating multiple generations of anger and hate is letting a radical terrorist movement control 2 million people, which can completely mold the education curriculum and free to draft anyone to their quasi-army

So whatever it has done, it cannot possibly be worse than pre-war

> letting a radical terrorist movement control 2 million people, which can completely mold the education curriculum and free to draft anyone to their quasi-army

“Terrorist” groups Irgun, Haganah, Lehi all became part of Israeli government and army post 1948. Israel has mandatory military service for its citizens.

  • Haganah was a paramilitary organization formed after a few rather violent massacres of the Jewish population in the 1920s, climaxing with the Hebron massacre in 1929 which included horrors similar to October 7, hence why it's name in Hebrew is "Defense". Except for a short stint of a few months of something in between guerilla warfare and terror attacks against the British, it was mainly a military organization foremost, tasked with defense of the Jewish population from Palestinian attacks until the 1948 war

    Irgun and Lehi were both offshoots which can be categorized as terror organizations, however they were very small, with a few hundred members and never reached the size or level of support of any Palestinian organization

    While the Haganah formed most of the IDF leadership, the new country civilian leadership was based on the Jewish Agency which predated the Haganah and had completely civilian leadership.

    There are many other differences between Hamas and these organizations, but in general this is an invalid comparison

    • I believe the comparison is valid - I put "terrorist" in quotes for a reason.

      All three groups at times participated in violent activities targeting the British, Arabs, and even at times other Jews.

      Haganah was proscribed by the British mandate and was an unlawful, underground militia. Lehi had 100s of members but Irgun had 4000-8000.

      You yourself admit that Lehi and Irgun could be categorized as "terrorist" and Haganah engaged in what you describe as "something in between guerilla warfare and terror attacks".

      The British certainly thought of all three as "terrorist" groups, which is why they targeted them with military and police action - https://israeled.org/british-round-up-resistance-fighters/

      Hamas would also not describe themselves as "terrorist", they also describe themselves as a "resistance" movement.

      Haganah both planned and executed the "Plan Dalet", which killed and forcibly expelled the vast majority of non-Jews from their lands - they actually did what people accuse Hamas of wanting to do.

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What could a radical terrorist organization possibily tell Gazans about what happened to their parents that sounds worse than the truth?

  • Something like this maybe? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomorrow's_Pioneers

  • [flagged]

    • Somehow it’s considered monstrous to brutally slaughter 1000 Israelis by hand, but OK to murder and starve an order of magnitude (or two) more Gazan civilians using industrialized warfare.

      I guess if you’re a drone operator with no strong feelings about the murder you’re committing, then it’s totally ethical to do whatever you want as long as some Hamas get hit. What a fantastic cheat code!

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    • >something that would cause civilians on oct 7 join en masse a fest of rape

      there is 0 evidence for "mass rape" on oct7, this has been debunked. Every one of your accusations is a confession: "Israel: UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls."

      “We are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers. At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence,” the experts said. They also noted that photos of female detainees in degrading circumstances were also reportedly taken by the Israeli army and uploaded online."


I'm not trying to say if it is better or worse. Perhaps a better phrasing is "Israel has solidified another 2 generations of hatred by how they prosecuted the war." Leveling a country, killing and maiming as many as they did, the indiscriminate nature and war crimes, these things worked against their stated goals in the long-term