Comment by bihla
3 days ago
Did he... link the wrong URL at the end of the post? I thought for sure it was going to be some sort of heartfelt speech, or motivational message, or something. But it's an instrumental DJ set which seems totally out of left field
> P.S. If you are chasing something you think you want or need, or are doubting whether you are enough, take a minute and give this a listen. It had a big impact on me at a pivotal time.
He shared something that helped him at a pivotal time. Your expectations are your own. :)
The right music at the right time can be transformative.
I remember listening to the theme song for "The Social Network" often when I was frustrated at work about 12 years ago in a different job in a different state in a different life.
Scala & Kolacny Brothers -- Creep
It's a haunting choral cover of the Radiohead song.
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I was working at a dead-end IT job that was eating away at me because the company was a terrible fit, and I couldn't help but wonder if I could put my skills to better use than clearing paper jams and running mail merge reports. But the easy path was to just keep doing the same thing every day.
One day on the way in I was listening to Jonathan Coulton's "A Talk With George" ( and it kicked me in the face with:
And that was the day I quit.
That being said, I had the same reaction to the link at the bottom of that post; I recognize anything can be transformative to the right person at the right time, but I struggled to identify the message in an instrumental DJ set.
For me that was hearing "Stellardrone - Breath in the light" a decade ago during a very stressful work period.
Now it is my go to, in stressful times, when I need to focus and gather my thoughts.
Like listening to “Lose Yourself” before every major interview. :)
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Ha I guess that's fair. Were you expecting a DJ set?
I did have a guess that it was musical. I did not guess it was of the genre haha.
And the highlighted comment on that video (because it's got a lot of upvotes) is "Who's here because of Hindenburg?"...
I suppose all the research work, that comment, and the 750+ thumbs-ups, and my cynical meta-comment all brought value to the world. But I'm only sure of one of those things.
It's funny, because your comment made me go back and click the link. If it was some motivational speech, I wasn't interested (that's why I didn't click initially). But I actually listen to instrumental DJ sets and Cercle is one of my favorite YouTube channels. So thanks! :)
Ok, I listened to half of the set and it's not my style. This is what I like:
I actually skimmed through looking for when the inspirational talk starts.
I had the same idea. Maybe it's a subtle message?
Everyday, at the same time, in the same place, play that instrumental DJ set and with a blank document write down whatever comes to you.
Let me know what you find.
I was pretty amazed to see him link this particular Lee Burridge set from Bali. I’ve watched/listened to it many times over and it never fails to put me in a happier state of mind.
But if you're into it, Ben Boehmer in Cappadocia, The Blaze atop the Aguile Du Midi in the French Alps are a couple of the many gems in that same series of Cercle sets.
Cercle is a gift to the world. For anyone that didn't receive the gift yet - they're organizing great DJ sets in special locations. Multiple times I've put something to listen to, and found myself watching the whole show.
I was fully expecting [1] but then I just listened for a while and honestly, I get it.
I can't explain, but yeah.
He only uses that one when he's getting short squeezed
the psychedelics are implied
It might just be the music... but there is also a Q&A at the end of the video.