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Comment by worik

1 month ago

> Natural things aren't inherently safer.

Yes they are.

We have been exposed to, and made adjustments for, things in our environments.

Novel chemicals have novel effects.

There are plenty of dangerous natural things, and there are safe artificial things (I suppose).

But there is a clear basis for eating food that your great grandparents would recognise.

There is also a slowly mounting volume of evidence that there is something wrong with ultra processed foods, hard to say what, but it is becoming clear they are bad for us.

So natural things are inherently safer, all else equal

> But there is a clear basis for eating food that your great grandparents would recognise.

I’m quite confident every health metric is better for the Red-3-eating cohort than the great grandparent cohort. Being a great grandparent is associated with cancer, dementia, and near-unity death rate.

Ultra processed foods are usually unhealthy because of the relative high amount of additives that are 'needed' to proloung their conservation. Those additives can be natural, like sugar and salt, but still are unhealthy in large quantities. Also heating, which can be seen as natural, can proloung conservation, but often have the side effect of chemical reactions into unhealthy molecules.

The better alternative is to eat non processed food, but only early after reaping. Otherwise the natural (!) chemical reactions like oxidation makes them unhealthy.

The plants in my garden are all natural. I don't use chemicals. Still half of them contain poison like blueacid.

Just to say, natural doesn't mean healthy. Processed doesn't mean unhealthy.

Sugar and simple carbs are natural, but are probably the cause of the majority of the world’s healthcare problems.

  • Sugar is a highly refined product. It is "natural" for a not very useful definition of natural.

    Also I agree that not every thing natural is good. It is a rule of thumb, not a strict rule.

    Mēh! The hippies were right (again): Eat food. Mostly plants. As unprocessed as you can.