Comment by kelthuzad
2 months ago
It's not a stretch by any means, that NYT article is textbook propaganda and the wikipedia article elaborates on it because of lack of forensic evidence - no autopsies conducted, no physical evidence, bodies buried quickly without examination. Witness reliability is suspect due to contradicting family testimonies, inconsistent witness accounts. There are also methodological issues like use of biased reporters (Anat Schwartz had no prior reporting experience, was primarily a filmmaker and was previously part of the israeli military intelligence) and over-reliance on contradictory witness testimony without hard evidence.
"Note: The Intercept reported that Anat Schwartz had "extensive conversations" with ZAKA members such as Yossi Landau, whom she relied on for accounts of bodies of women claimed to have been found with signs of sexual violence. The Intercept adds that ZAKA and Landau have been documented to have mishandled evidence and spread multiple false stories about the events of October 7, including debunked allegations of Hamas operatives beheading babies and cutting the fetus from a pregnant woman's body, and that its workers are not trained forensic scientists or crime scene experts, but that these shortcomings are not mentioned by the NYT article."
>This isn't debunking anything considering that the report itself agrees: "A combination of chaos, enormous grief and Jewish religious duties meant that many bodies were buried as quickly as possible [...]"
It is debunked with the provided evidence and you just stating that it was "chaos" doesnt fix any of listed flaws and enormous bias of that article
>You might be thinking of Gal's brother-in-law, but the report was never based on the opinions of family members, it was based on conversations with police and video evidence: "Based largely on the video evidence — which was verified by The New York Times — Israeli police officials said they believed that Ms. Abdush was raped"
There was no forensic evidence and what anyone "believes" is irrelevant and would not hold up in a court of law as stated. Israeli officials are as trustworthy as Nazi officials and would claim anything to demonize Palestinians and to justify the israeli occupation.
>He wasn't the lead reporter. That was Jeffrey Gettleman, a Pulitzer recipient.
Anat Schwarz is a woman and she was part of israeli military intelligence. Jeffrey being a "pulitzer recipient" is an appeal to authority and doesnt fix any of the methodological flaws of NYT's propaganda article either.
More on it can be read in the intercept article: