Comment by BugsJustFindMe
3 days ago
> Is there any benefit
I perceive that one of the reasons that people who want change in the devastatingly perverted system are repeatedly plowed over, cheated, and ignored when it comes to making actual policy is that as a group those with the most reason to be upset are easily swindled into engaging only vague moans about some miniscule ignorable example being bad but not being ready to articulate what should be done instead as a set of categorical rules. And it happens over and over again until the voting public are bred into helplessness, and the way out is to talk about things in actionable ways instead of in vague handwavy ways. And the path to collective dialogue shift has to start somewhere, so it can start with us. Was it painful?
>And the path to collective dialogue shift has to start somewhere, so it can start with us.
I suppose so. But I have no insight of these concepts outside of the 30 minutes I spent studying various markup strategies. And I have no interest in trying to personally influence policy (especially in something I studied for 30 minutes ". I don't know how many qualified people in this community can influence such stuff (or any that will read HN specifically) , so I simply question the tactic's effectiveness.
Every journey, etc.