Comment by Aloisius
4 days ago
Yes, genetics studies are open to interpretation, but not the interpretation that Ashkenazi are completely unrelated to other Jews. The evidence simply does not support that.
Sholomo Sand is not a geneticist nor was his hypothesis based on genetics. The fact that he's a Israeli history professor doesn't mean much here. The man didn't want to be a Jew, religiously or ethnically, and found the most complete way to accomplish it.
No, the claim of ashkenazi as being native to the Filistine while completely ignoring arabs who have vastly more native component of DNA by any measure.
Also jewish DNA is closest to northeastern anatolian component that is being suppressed as non politically convenient
Sand's book is coauthored by Eran Elhaik a geneticist and bioinformaticion.
Eran's analysis backed up Sand's theory of jewish nation based on DNA