Comment by stetrain
2 days ago
It does as many launches as customers buy. If more customers bought Falcon Heavy launches SpaceX would launch more.
It’s been launching operational payloads for 6 years now.
2 days ago
It does as many launches as customers buy. If more customers bought Falcon Heavy launches SpaceX would launch more.
It’s been launching operational payloads for 6 years now.
They may be supply constrained as well. Only one of the 3 Falcon launch pads can support Falcon Heavy and it must be reconfigured to go between regular and Falcon launches so each Heavy launch restricts Falcon launches for a week or two on either side. The second launch site at Vandenberg is being built right now and will support both regular and Heavy launches as well. For every other launch company reserving a launch site for a month for one launch wouldn't be a problem but for SpaceX that will prevent scheduling of 4-6 other Falcon launches.
SpaceX might be pricing Heavy launches high enough to dampen demand until they can support more launches.