Comment by cashsterling
2 days ago
Going away from physical book-based learning was possibly well intentioned (but I have my doubts)... but it was really dumb.
There are clear studies that show reading a physical book (versus a screen) and using and physical pen or pencil on a piece of paper, versus typing or drawing on a screen, leads to higher comprehension and retention of information... and thus much better overall learning outcomes. This doesn't even consider the fact that youtube, discord, and a bunch of other apps are a swipe away on an iPad.
A common solution to the "carrying books around problem" used to be there was the copy you were issued (and mostly stayed at home) and there was a shared classroom copy.
Carrying around 2-3 books plus a binder is not a big deal (and is not a 30lb backpack... more like 10-15 lbs)... we act like this is some sort of massive hardship yet so many of us did this for over a decade of our childhood with no ill effect.
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