Comment by etwigg
2 months ago
I think people are sleeping on Meta's compounding advantage in VR/AR. The Quest 3 is 15 months old, and it's wild how much it has improved over that time purely due to software and interaction model improvements. Aside from the recent bricking issue, I think the Meta Quest is accelerating at the OS level. I'm looking forward to Mario on Quest 4 or 5, but it will be a bit sad.
You can't see the shortcomings until you have the hardware, and once you solve those there is a next set of shortcomings. I think that road is longer and deeper than I had appreciated, Meta is the only company iterating fast enough to be serious about serving "normies".
The name of the game is the game. Meaning that hardware is popular insofar as the games that are on it. And Nintendo, with its massive war chest and toymaker history, will never turn into a third-party developper. They'll keep making their underpowered Nintendo machines, and good for them.