Comment by mrtz
1 day ago
The thing that annoys me with RSS is the lack of paging. It's great to get updates, but most pages only have the last x articles in their feed. Which means a lot of older, still valuable content is not discoverable anymore.
There is an extension for Atom for Paging and Archiving. And because it’s just namespaced elements those elements also could by used by RSS. But Feedreader support is mostly inexistent.
RFC 5005: Feed Paging and Archiving
Discoverable? The older content is still in the same place as always. The entire purpose of RSS is to alert you when new content is published. You discover the old content by reading it.
If you treat your RSS feeds as reading lists, it is useful to have the full list in there. Of course you can track your unread entries another way (browser bookmark, etc) but it's not as convenient.