Building an offline-first, cross-platform IMAP client

3 days ago (

I've been doing some research myself for an offline-first project I've been thinking about, so it's great to see more people going in this direction!

A project I recently discovered in this realm is `wa-sqlite`. Yet another sqlite browser web assembly project, but it has VFS adapter examples that introduced me to the OPFS which, at least on a surface level, seems to be faster but more complicated than using indexeddb, and is a whole other avenue the article didn't explore. I'm guessing because it's still new/experimental and they're trying to build their thing yesterday

I am very confused as to what this is trying to claim... it says it is "IMAP-based, not API-based", and yet it is clearly running its own sync solution, including to web browsers.

  • Marco is essentially a direct competitor to Superhuman.

    However, Superhuman and almost all other products in this space integrate with providers solely via API (like the Gmail API). This means almost all "modern" email products only support Gmail, and perhaps Microsoft if you're lucky.

    We've opted to integrate at the IMAP level to allow maximum interop.

    • There must be some functionality trade-offs that come in to the picture here. What do you see as the key downsides of using the IMAP approach rather than integrating with email providers via their APIs?

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