Comment by freedomben
1 day ago
Assuming the 500ms is mostly delay for fetching data over a socket, unless the code is really broken that should not really be burning battery. <500ms for display of non-trivial network-fetched data is great regardless of whether it's rendered by react native or is a fully native app. They would both be I/O-bound on the network primarily, with a small but insignificant compute overhead for RN. If the data needs lots of transformation (though not compute-intensive transformation like calculating hashes or somethign) upon returning that could make a difference, though again I'd be surprised if CPU for RN vs native was all that different.
As an Elixir dev who aims for and routinely achieves <10ms response times, (and sometimes < 1 ms for frequent endpoints that I can hand optimize into a single efficient SQL query, which Ecto makes easy I might add!) I find the response time to be the more egregious part :-D
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