Telegram Suspends Accounts of Z Library and Anna's Archive

2 days ago (

Durov should change his last name to Durakov ("durak" is "fool" in Russian)! He wanted to show off with his girl-for-hire and got himself imprisoned after so many years of being cautious! Or maybe "Dickoff" would suit him better! Nobody trusts Telegram now because they got him by the balls!

  • I'm surprised anyone trusted Telegram to begin with, as it has never, ever been secure, especially not on desktop.

    It was not secure, it was only pretty and feature-rich, I guess.

  • Geopolitics is a funny game innit? If you trust any digital device you are in for a very rude awakening one day if you cross the wrong people lol

Take this as a kind reminder that Telegram is scum.

Alternatives include Matrix[0] and SimpleX[1].



  • lol anything that is connected to the grid / satellites is identical

    hopefully nothing happens to you that shows you that

  • Reminder that simplex will put forward censorship measures for CSAM (as per their "declaration of war to CSAM"), and some people say it's a violation of E2EE.