Comment by tommica
2 months ago
Which is fucking hilarious when you think that a lot of xmen storyline is about them wanting to be perceived as humans
2 months ago
Which is fucking hilarious when you think that a lot of xmen storyline is about them wanting to be perceived as humans
Which legally probably also makes it a fairy tale
"It's a nice story and the court won't prevent you from telling it, but legally these beings in that story are clearly NOT humans"
Pretty much fits. It probably wouldn't be such an issue if they were just human.
And also, they are an "on your face" depiction of the dehumanization of the Holocaust victims...
And Professor X is Martin Luthor King and Magneto is Malcolm X.
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute! I can't have POLITICS in my comics, my comics are apolitical, there's good guys and bad guys, and it's always clear who the bad guys are - those that are not [like] me! /s