Comment by Springtime
14 days ago
Thanks. Yeah that seems to be the same AVC/h.264 'personal and non-commercial' text the 2010 article I linked centered on. MPEG-LA spoke to Engadget[1] (finally found a working link I could read) and said that a separate license for shooting commerical video isn't required and that distribution of commercial content via licensed providers (Google/Youtube, Apple, etc) is fine.
It seems the one caveat, per the Engadget article, is directly distributing AVC video to end users (I suppose like a direct download link on a personal site) is what requires a license but that license is free to obtain.
I looked around VIA-LA (which acquired MPEG-LA in 2023), and I can't see any free licenses about H.264. "Request a license" gives you an e-mail address, and that's it.
There are other license models, which is about manufacturers, publishers and TV stations, etc.
But nowhere it says "there's a free license for these cases, just get it from here".
This all looks like a rabbit hole for me.
Can't wait for AV1 to supplant these bureaucratic rent-seekers.