Comment by corimaith
2 months ago
Well the problem I feel is that there is a disconnect between game devs chasing success or even just love making games and the desires of the core gaming crowd.
The majority of games being released today are in a few crowded genres, that frankly the majority care very little for. Go outside that, the space for competition quickly dwindles that just a proper, non exceptional execution would be sufficient for success.
Take Project Wingman for example, considering there is literally only ONE other competitor in Ace Combat 7 for a modern arcade jet fighter game, it was very much axiomatic from the trailers alone that it would be successful, and it was.
The same thing with ELIN, or Forever Winter, Noita by the sheer virtue of ambition of their ideas, even a flawed execution may be sufficient to drive a loyal crowd.
Success is the conjuction between ambition and execution, and if we presume one is dedicated to execute, then there are plenty of ambitious ideas waiting to be realized. If someone tried to make a successor to Mirrors Edge, or mech game in the vein of ACFA, or an Anime-style FPS, and with decent execution, I would be very sure of their success. It has nothing to do with luck here.
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