Comment by nslqnd
2 months ago
As a contractor who works building apps (and their server backends) for big clients: I don’t give a fuck. I just do the minimum so the app works. The worst that can happen is that the client asks me to fix the flaw later on, for which I will bill more hours.
I can 100% guarantee that’s what happened here.
Can't the client sue for damage though? Especially in a courtroom-happy country like the US, perhaps causing financial trouble to a corporation the size of McDonald's would not exactly lead to a happy, carefree livelihood
A company doing outsourced dev for someone the size of McDonald’s would have an iron clad statement of work that the would point to and say “show us where you asked for server validation”
> the worst that can happen
To you, you mean, right?
That goes without saying in the software business today. I was in software for decades and I’ve never seen it so cynical. Shameless profiteering seems to be the gold standard strategy. It’s like Gordon Gecko style greed.
That's cause there are people that make the mean girls from mean girls look like the nice girls
Infighting, KPIs, comp packages, weird ass games trying to build something new or try to learn is actually looked down upon. Very medieval with hunt vibes
It's hardly surprising. Once they smelled cash in the water all the Gordon Geckos packed up their finance bags and moved into tech.
Actually interested in learning more about the attack surface area?
I've had my SSN stolen learned multiple people are using it lol so I doubt banking info stolen from Mickey Dees would make a difference could something worse be achieved
I assumed there is always some technical documentation/app architecture and some mandatory (server side) security you have to follow, but reading this I'm being too optimistic.