Comment by scarface_74
2 months ago
I lean heavily Democratic when it comes to social issues. But let’s be honest, everyone knew that Biden was losing his mental faculties.
The last time we had two smart candidates was 2012.
2 months ago
I lean heavily Democratic when it comes to social issues. But let’s be honest, everyone knew that Biden was losing his mental faculties.
The last time we had two smart candidates was 2012.
So the answer was... Elect in a president who long lost his mental faculties. Okay.
Not sure why this is so complicated --- blame the DNC and party elites, not the population that voted for Trump.
If the DNC was trying to win, they would have never let Biden run for re-election, and then they would have never let Harris become the candidate without a primary.
The Democrats literally told the US population Trump was going to destroy democracy in America, and then created a situation that enabled him to win in a landslide.
Supporting your argument:
From a left leaning publication
And from the WSJ (I don’t know how the paywall bypass works. I pay for Apple News and read the entire article).
The WSJ is right leaning when it comes to business. But I find it to be fair and not Trump worshipper
When it all comes down to it. Biden was no better than Trump. They both are old folks who put their own desires above what is best for the country.
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The Democrats didn't lose because Harris didn't get a primary. Literally no one but Republicans who would never have voted for her to begin with cared about that.
Democrats lost because they keep triangulating and trying to appeal to centrist Republicans who either don't exist, or would never vote for them regardless. If Harris had distinguished herself from Biden by taking a firm stance against the Palestinian genocide - which was the single issue much of her base cared about - she would have won.
Also, Trump didn't win in a landslide. It was a close election, and Trump definitely won the popular vote, but the margins were still about 51% to 49%.
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The Democrats loss fair and square. They should have spoken up a lot sooner. Everyone on the inside knew that Biden was incompetent. If they had a real primary would Kamala ever have been the nominee?
The Democrats lost strongholds like Miami of all places. The dumbest thing they did was go against the tech industry who have always been their biggest supporters. Would Republicans go after Evangelical Christians or the NRA?
They gave people no reason to support them.
> The Democrats loss fair and square.
Yes, because of how ignorant much of the population is, correlating lower grocery prices with whoever was in office at the time.
> They gave people no reason to support them.
Given how bad the alternative was they were the only rational choice.
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To say that Miami was a democratic stronghold is not really accurate. They've leaned Democrat recently, but the margins haven't been that high, and they've been decreasing for a number of elections now.