Comment by rafram
2 months ago
Well, a lot of people at the Forest Service and other land management agencies used to think like you do. We focused on full suppression throughout the 20th century. Now, when a forest fire does start, it isn't controllable like it used to be. There's too much fuel lying around that we prevented from burning for over a century.
Prescribed burns make sense in certain high-risk areas, but there's no substitute for actual, natural forest fires. We can never artificially cover the same kind of area that a natural fire can cover.
> For example you run a forum and refuse to implement any sort of moderation or spam control. You claim we shouldn't put anything in place to clamp down on it and need to let things run their course naturally, because sometimes risking spam is necessary to get really good updates about stuff by experts.
That analogy has absolutely no bearing on anything we're discussing. Online forums and human behavior aren't a good analogue for forests and forces of nature.
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