Comment by dang
3 days ago
You broke the site guidelines repeatedly and extremely badly in this thread. We've asked you before not to do that. We have to ban accounts that post like this, and I'm sorry to say that what you did in this thread is well over the line at which we'd normally ban someone, especially given the past warning.
I'm not going to ban you right now because the other account was also breaking the rules pretty badly. If you keep doing this, though, we're going to have to ban you.
Commenters here need to follow the rules regardless of how other commenters are behaving or how wrong they are, even on a topic as divisive as this one. Especially on a topic as divisive as this one. Note this from
"Comments should get more thoughtful and substantive, not less, as a topic gets more divisive."
If you'd please review and stay within the rules in the future, we'd appreciate it.
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