Comment by lm28469
2 months ago
> On one hand, one could think "oh, the current social network bashing is just the same doom and gloom reaction to more communication, it will pass".
I never understood this argument.
It's obvious that the pace and scale of "progress" increased dramatically, making things much harder to contain/study and making them much more potent to a much larger group of people
Were was he proved wrong that tabloids made people more stupid? Humans are very adaptable, the fact that we're still here doesn't invalidate his opinion.
The logical progress from these things gave us 24/7 opinion news channels and they definitely make people stupid, much more than paper news.
Finally even if he was wrong, there is no logical way to use it to prove that a tiktok ban is wrong, someone being wrong about something vaguely related in the past doesn't automatically make every future vaguely related opinions wrong for eternity
Tabloids have been everywhere for a very long time. Near as we can tell, people are smarter now than they were.
Does that prove tabloids make people stupid? Or disprove it?
Good luck. But I’m pretty sure hunting down tabloids isn’t going to be on anyone’s priority list if they are tasked with ‘making society smarter’ today.
Tabloids aren’t really news, they’re more like rage baiters and celebrities salads.