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Comment by astura

2 months ago

I learned cursive in 2nd grade and was very strictly REQUIRED to use it up until high school, where they stopped requiring cursive.

1) My cursive was always slower than print. I was happy to go back to print so I could write fast. I went to school in the "analog" era, so 100% of all assignments were hand written and not typed.

2) I noticed that literally only 1 person in my school stayed with cursive when printing was an option. It was so unusual it stuck out.

3) I only know one person who writes cursive now in every day life even though 100% of us learned it in school.

4) That person is my dad and he writes in the style of these documents. If you gave me one of these documents and told me my dad wrote it, id believe you.

Which makes me think we all somehow were taught cursive wrong or practiced it wrong. My cursive was never fast and never looked like these documents.

Anyway, I found this, which summed up my feelings learning cursive perfectly


>Reading and literacy expert Randall Wallace, of Missouri State University, says “it seems odd and perhaps distracting that early readers, just getting used to decoding manuscript, would be asked to learn another writing style.”

I found it so frustrating that I just learned how to write one way and then they tell me that's not the "proper" way to write and we need to learn this other way to write.

Very interesting.. Frankly did not know most of what's said in replies.. That it's not compulsorily taught and more surprisingly it's slower to write!

I thought having to lift pen repeatedly would be slower? Anyway I need to try to really know I guess! Versus the time taken to add those extra links.

Like most others I've not written much in years perhaps decades, that has screwed up my handwriting as even minor notes are these days illegible even to me after a few days

Thanks for the replies.. Cleared a few misconceptions... One of them being writing in blocks is somewhat 'childish' and cursive is more literate.

Added later: read parts of the long article it's very interesting.. Need to read it fully.

  • >I thought having to lift pen repeatedly would be slower?

    The extra strokes required for all those fucking loops more than make up for having to pick up the pen.

    Cursive probably made a lot of sense when people were writing with quill pens, but in modern times each individual has their own comfort level and preferences.

    >Cleared a few misconceptions... One of them being writing in blocks is somewhat 'childish' and cursive is more literate.

    I was taught exactly that when I was growing up, which is why cursive was required for all school assignments pre high school. I always thought it was bullshit though because books aren't written in cursive and I only knew a single adult that used cursive in their every day lives. It seemed like a weird academic script.

    I think a big reason I was so frustrated with being forced to use cursive in school was because after I learned to write in print and before I learned cursive I wrote a LOT. Like I'd write stories almost every day. I loved writing so much and then they gave me this new script that I needed to use for writing that slowed me down. It's like... Stop changing things on me.

    I'm really glad cursive is no longer required in a lot of places. My school years would have been so much better without being forced to use cursive.

    • I'm not sure if it's related to how kids are taught to hold the pen. And the pen itself. In India as a kid, that was really long back, ball pens banned, you had to use fountain pens. And I hold the pen like it's featured in most pen ads.

      When I spent time in East, like Singapore, Malaysia I was shocked to see people holding pens like they're about to stab the paper. Even kids. But I did learn they also had fountain pens only rule for a long while before relaxing.