Comment by ksec
2 months ago
Hacker: Last night a confidential source disclosed to me that British arms are being sold to Italian red terrorist groups.
Hacker: You don't see to be very worried by this information.
Sir Humphrey: Well, these things happen all the time. It’s not our problem.
Hacker: As does robbery with violence, doesn't that worry you?
Sir Humphrey: No, Minister. Home Office problem.
Hacker: Humphrey, we are letting terrorists get hold of murderous weapons.
Sir Humphrey: We are not.
Hacker: Who is?
Sir Humphrey: Who knows? Department of Trade, Minister of Defense, Foreign Office,...
Hacker: We, Humphrey, the British Government. Innocent lives are being set at risk by British arms in the hands of terrorists.
Sir Humphrey: Only Italian lives, not British lives.
Hacker: British tourists abroad.
Sir Humphrey: Tourists? Foreign Office problem!
Hacker: I don't believe this! We're talking about good and evil.
Sir Humphrey: Ah, Church of England problem.
Sir Humphrey: Government isn't about morality.
Hacker: Really? What is it about then?
Sir Humphrey: Stability. Keeping thing going. Preventing anarchy. Stopping society falling to bits. Still being here tomorrow.
Hacker: What for?
Sir Humphrey: I beg your pardon?
Hacker: What is the ultimate purpose of government if it isn't for doing good?
Sir Humphrey: Government isn't about good and evil. It's about order or chaos.
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