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Comment by glimshe

2 months ago

I think the EU should do whatever the EU wants to do and accept the consequences of their actions. As an American, I might have opinions but no say in EU's matters. Europe has plenty of very smart people to figure out what's best for them.

I say this because I feel the reply to my top post was unnecessarily aggressive. I have friends in Europe and respect their independence. I don't know why an opinion on a purely US matter brought anger from an EU resident.

My best guess is the feeling I sometimes have that Europeans believe Americans keep scheming to subjugate them, when in fact Americans hardly ever think about Europe. Also, when Americans do think about Europe, it's in a positive way as Europeans share many of our values.

The big corporations, with government support, that does try to profit from Europe are the same that do it to American citizens in the US, so we're kind of in the same fight against them.

Honestly this was not a question about the US vs. EU more about how one view things that has a global effect on things. Sometimes when I use US services I send some love to the legislative branches in EU, because of the good has been adopted because of it.

My point is that TikTok going dark is a real problem for the US, to solve the issue so heavy handedly is troublesome path to tread. For international relations I am not sure this is for the greater good.