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Comment by mmooss

2 months ago

> Can you give examples

Here are comments from many leading journalists at the Washington Post, many of whom have left. For example recently:

Jennifer Rubin resigned: "The Washington Post's billionaire owner and enlisted management" "betrayed their audiences' loyalty and sabotaged journalism's sacred mission - defending, protecting and advancing democracy. ... They have undercut the values central to ... all journalism: integrity, courage, and independence. .... Jeff Bezos ... accommodate[s] and enable[s] the most acute threat to American democracy - Donald Trump ..." [1]

Ann Telnaes resigned [2]: She "tells NPR she always accepts editing but had never previously been told she couldn't address a specific topic ..." [3]

Management blocked Telnaes' cartoon criticizing Trump and billionaire media and tech execs bowing to Trump; an article, approved by editors, on Managing Editor Matea Gold leaving [4]; and more.

Bezos, owner of one of the country's most important media institutions, has openly supported Trump and donated to him, while blocking content critical of him.

That's all of the top of my head. We can always waste time by denying everything and bog down any discussion, but American democracy - that your ancestors bled and sacrificed to build - is burning and you are sitting in your chair playing with picayune arguments. You'd better act now.

[1] https://contrarian.substack.com/p/i-have-resigned-from-the-w...

[2] https://anntelnaes.substack.com/p/why-im-quitting-the-washin...

[3] https://www.npr.org/2025/01/15/nx-s1-5258221/washington-post...

[4] https://www.npr.org/2024/12/09/nx-s1-5222807/washington-post...

> but American democracy - that your ancestors bled and sacrificed to build

You understand that not everyone here is American, right?

> playing with picayune arguments

Am I? Could you give an example?

The rest seems to be rehashing the editorial cartoon, the endorsement debacle, and some internal newspaper politics.

  • You asked for examples, and people have provided plenty of them - substantial ones about the ownership acting to support Trump. Do you really care about this issue or are you trying to defend Bezos?