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Comment by phillyCO-OP

2 months ago

There are cooperative principles from a 1995 convention of the International Cooperative Alliance, key to filter policy and operations through to insure whatever you found can meet the definitions of cooperative ownership. There's supposed to be political democracy n this country, one person one vote but no economic democracy, we don't get to vote for the CEO running the company many of us work for because we don't have capital. Cooperative enterprise can be a way to push down ownership power to more people; employees and customers. It is not easy because people are not easy.

Co-ops are one member one vote. Google ICA cooperative principles to read up and get a base foundation. I second also going to the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives to learn more.

It can be a complex process to build a business enterprise that is equally owned by workers and even more challenging to try to keep it a going concern. Good luck!