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Comment by tstrimple

2 months ago

And yet you've done nothing to connect trans folk to abuse. Just that men abuse the most which is a known fact. Do you have any idea what the effect on estrogen is on the body and behaviors? Of course you don't. Because you don't want to know. You have all the bigoted answers you need and won't little things like facts get in the way of your hatred and ignorance. I'd suggest you try to be better, but we both know that's impossible.

Well if you have evidence to the contrary, do present it. I'm keen to listen.

You said:

> Do you have any idea what the effect on estrogen is on the body and behaviors?

But then you didn't explain what you meant by this, or exactly how it relates to what we were discussing in terms of policy. Could you elaborate, please?

If you can demonstrate that the points I made above were incorrect, that male-inclusive policy in the areas we've discussed actually isn't having a detrimental impact on women and girls, then I would like to know about it. Thanks.

Accusing me of being bigoted, hateful, ignorant, etc. doesn't have any effect on changing my view, by the way.