Comment by FanaHOVA
19 days ago
The problem is that: - These are not really super computing cluster in LLM terms. Leonardo is a 250 PFlops cluster. That is really not much at all. - If people in charge of this project actually believe R1 costs $5.5M to build from scratch, it's already over.
I think no one believes that R1 costs $5.5m from scratch. People in this project (most, not all) are very aware of the realities in training and are very well connected in the US as well. Besides Leonardo there are JUWELS, LUMI & other which can be used for ablations and so on.
This will never compete with what the frontier labs have (+ are building) but might be just enough for something, that is close enough to be a useful alternative :).
PS: Huge fan of Latent Space :)
what are you all talking about? most people in the industry do believe the publicly stated numbers for dsv3
> If people in charge of this project actually believe R1 costs $5.5M to build from scratch, it's already over.