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Comment by tokioyoyo

19 days ago

I don't have much skin in this pissing contest, but I've lived in Europe, North America and East Asia.

> What industry has the EU caught up in or maintained pace

What industries is the US leading which reflects itself in improvement of quality of life of its citizens? Cause some things really don't matter in grand scheme of things.

EU has better quality of life on borrowed time. Yeah, some things don't matter in grand scheme of things. When your grand is larger, eu is in a bad place.

  • I’ve been hearing that about EU, China and Japan for the past 20 years in different degrees. Two generations were born and a lot of people have passed away in that period.

    Even if EU’s QoL is on borrowed time, at least it has it for some time.

    • 20 years is awfully small time.

      It's getting bad now. It'll be terrible after 20 more years if course is not corrected.