Comment by TeMPOraL
17 days ago
Here probably routing would be dominating, but in general, unless I missed all the vendors ditching GPUs and switching to ASICs optimized for fixed precision math, floating points are still non-commutative therefore results are non-deterministic wrt. randomness introduced by parallelising the calculations.
Of course which part of the calculations happens where should also be specifiable and be able to be made deterministicor should not have an effect on the result. A map reduce process' reduce step, merging results from various places also should be able to be made to give reproducible results, regardless of which results arrive first or from where.
Is our tooling too bad for this?
> Is our tooling too bad for this?
Floating points are fundamentally too bad for this. We use them because they're fast, which usually more than compensates for inaccuracies FP math introduces.
(One, dealing with FP errors is mostly a fixed cost - there's a branch of CS/mathematics specializing in it, producing formally proven recipes for computing specific things in way that minimize or at least give specific bounds on errors. That's work that can be done once, and reused forever. Two, most programmers are oblivious to those issues anyway, and we've learned to live with the bugs :).)
When your parallel map-reduce is just doing matrix additions and multiplications, guaranteeing order of execution comes with serious overhead. For one, you need to have all partial results available together before reducing, so either the reduction step needs to have enough memory to store a copy of all the inputs, or it needs to block the units computing those inputs until all of them finish. Meanwhile, if you drop the order guarantee, then the reduction step just needs one fixed-size accumulator, and every parallel unit computing the inputs is free to go and do something else as soon as it's done.
So the price you pay for deterministic order is either a reduction of throughput or increase in on-chip memory, both of which end up translating to slower and more expensive hardware. The incentives strongly point towards not giving such guarantees if it can be avoided - keep in mind that GPUs have been designed for videogames (and graphics in general), and for this, floating point inaccuracies only matter when they become noticeable to the user.
Why would the same software on the same GPU architecture use different commutations from run to run?
Also if you're even considering fixed point math, you can use integer accumulators to add up your parallel chunks.
Why would the same multithreaded software run on the same CPU (not just architecture - the same physical chip) have its instructions execute in different order from run to run? Performance. Want things deterministic? You have to explicitly keep them in sync yourself. GPUs sport tens of thousands of parallel processors these days, which are themselves complex, and are linked together with more complexity, both hardware and software. They're designed to calculate fast, not to ensure every subprocessor is always in lock step with every other one.
Model inference on GPU is mostly doing a lot of GPU equivalent of parallelized product on (X1, X2, X3, ... Xn), where each X is itself some matrix computed by a parallelized product of other matrices. Unless there's some explicit guarantee somewhere that the reduction step will pause until it gets all results so it can guarantee order, instead of reducing eagerly, each such step is a non-determinism transducer, turning undetermined execution order into floating point errors via commutation.
I'm not a GPU engineer so I don't know for sure, especially about the new cards designed for AI, but since reducing eagerly allows more memory-efficient design and improves throughput, and GPUs until recently were optimized for games (where FP accuracy doesn't matter that much), and I don't recall any vendor making determinism a marketing point recently, I don't believe GPUs suddenly started to guarantee determinism at expense of performance.
Each thread on a CPU will go in the same order.
Why would the reduction step of a single neuron be split across multiple threads? That sounds slower and more complex than the naive method. And if you do decide to write code doing that, then just the code that reduces across multiple blocks needs to use integers, so pretty much no extra effort is needed.
Like, is there a nondeterministic-dot-product instruction baked into the GPU at a low level?
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