Comment by duxup
15 days ago
News stories seem to indicate that many criminals use computers just like any given person does.
Even people concerned with security who know a little seem to be terrible at it.
A local protest group in my area was passing around an image with security tips. They were hilariously bad, suggestions based on very confused understandings of risk. These people weren’t criminals necessarily, but they were motivated and concerned and somehow just terrible at basic security.
> News stories seem to indicate
What's the inverse of survivor bias?
They are still people committing crimes. I don't think that's quite the same as the prototypical survivorship bias would imply.
There is the possibility that there is a great deal more crime being commuted by capable super criminals who understand the nuances of security .... but I'm more of a subscriber to the theory that for "most" crime, it's a lot of stupid people.