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Comment by Lio

15 days ago

Which party, with a realistic chance of being first past the post, could you vote for that wouldn't bring this in?

This is Hobson's choice as far as I can see.

I don't think there's anyone you could currently vote for that wouldn't do this.

You know the answer, of course with FPTP there's only two parties with a realistic chance. But why do they? Because you keep voting on them. Your votes made e.g. Corbyn lose but Starmer win. What signal does this give off? A very different signal than if both would've lost. Would another Tory government would have been even worse? In the short term, maybe. But this kind of short-termism is what has got Labour (and all of the other similar parties all over Europe) in this exact predicament. Better to make them lose for picking an awful candidate that's a Tory-lite and bite the bullet. It's not like the Tories would have kept winning for decades on end with the way things were going.

  • I’m sorry but Corbyn was a terrible choice as Labour leader, and I vote Labour in that election!

    He was unelectable for a variety of reasons.

    Here’s three:

    Wanting to pull out of NATO and instead appease Putin.

    Lying about being forced to sit on the floor of what was later shown to be an empty train.

    Basically doing nothing during the Brexit fiasco.

    He was just gaff after gaff.