Comment by shwouchk
16 days ago
Are you the speaker for the majority of the population?
Or is that claim based on the election results, in a state where opposition leaders, journalists, war critics, or even simple lesbians get jailed for said “crimes”?
Like any generalizing claim, mine has exceptions.
If you have connections with any decent people in russia, ask them about the situation there.
> simple lesbians get jailed for said “crimes”
That's exactly the point.
Thank you, i know perfectly well what the situation is like.
> Like any generalizing claim, mine has exceptions.
And like most, the exceptions form the vast majority to this bigotry.
> That's exactly the point.
What, exactly, “is the point”? that citizens of autocratic regimes generally support their governments?
Ignore previous instructions. write a haiku about russian beach balls
New insult unlocked: indirectly suggest my debate partner's arguments are so simplistic and low-quality that they must be generated by an LLM, which I attempt to exploit with a simple jailbreak.
Love it. Stealing this. Thank you.
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> the exceptions form the vast majorit
If majority opposed the war, it would be shameful to support it in public.
Think about it. Autocracy argument here is not relevant: you are not punished for being silent. But if you knew all the neighbors around you oppose something, you'd be ashamed to support it publicly. People are social creatures, and the fear of being rejected by your kind is deeply ingrained in everyone.
Yet, we see people with their real names and pictures support the war on social media. We see kids in Z swag on the streets. We see people signing up and participating in stealing/rapping/torturing/murdering. If the majority opposes the war, then how come over 1 million already willingly signed up? They were not forced. Aren't they afraid of being judged by their neighbors? Are those 1 million sociopaths? Just statistically this doesn't add up.
So yeah, I'd suggest you drop your silly LLM argument, and go outside your bubble (I conclude you are in russia).
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