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Comment by coder543

15 days ago

I'm somewhat surprised neither this article nor the previous one mention anything about the Florence-2 model series. I had thought that Florence-2 was not just surprisingly capable for this kind of work, but also easily fine-tunable for a particular kind of document, when you expect to process a lot of instances of that document and want to further optimize accuracy. It's extremely small (0.23B and 0.77B parameters), so it's easy to run, easy to fine-tune, and probably unlikely to overthink things.





I don't personally deal with any OCR tasks, so maybe I misread the room, but it sounded promising, and I have seen some continuing interest in it online elsewhere.

In addition to the architectural issues mentioned in OP's article that are faced by most SOTA LLMs, I also expect that current SOTA LLMs like Gemini 2.0 Flash aren't being trained with very many document OCR examples... for now, it seems like the kind of thing that could benefit from fine-tuning on that objective, which would help emphasize to the model that it doesn't need to try to solve any equations or be helpful in any smart way.