Comment by altairprime
16 days ago
China is not the UK, and isn’t comparable, any more than the US was. Apple’s manufacturing is far more dependent on China than it is the UK, with one exception: Arm. Legitimately, if the UK government declare Arm to be unexportable to the US, they can completely fuck over everyone except Apple, who I expect has a Complete Code license or equivalent so that they can continue development of Arm goes bankrupt or gets cut off from international trade.
A better question that supports the point here is:
Which of the world’s countries are able to materially damage Apple’s ability to transact business in other countries?
Those countries hold serious and real leverage over Apple, because Apple can’t just walk away from doing business in that one country without having their business impacted elsewhere. The UK is not on my version of that list, but if you’ve a good reason why it should be, that’s the missing data here and that’s invaluable leverage to recognize. (It may well also already be documented in Apple’s financials.)
The ARM licensing bit hasn't been relevant since SoftBank bought ARM. The preeminent issue is that Apple is already perfectly fine with warrantless surveillance and didn't leave the EU, US or anyone over it. This expectation for Apple to grow a San-Bernadino-esque backbone in an age where they manufacture backdoors for Five Eyes is hilarious.
Seriously; how do you expect Apple to hold a principled stance on privacy when they've already admit to warrantless surveillance?
I’ve explained my reasoning and we disagree. Be well.
I can't even follow the most basic tenants of your reasoning. All of it is unprecedented.