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Comment by dylan604

9 days ago

tables: crime_scene, witnesses, interviews, suspects. one of these is not like the others.

I've seen it advised to list table names as plurals as it holds more than one of the things. I've been told plural is dumb. I've not yet run into mixed plurals and singular table names. Sure, it's a style, but pick one???

I'm guessing this is like tabs vs spaces, but would a tab person use spaces randomly or vice versa?

otherwise, it's a fun way to kill some time. clearly, i played with it long enough to notice this little bitty bit of something. however, if only modern police departments had this ability to link clues. there's no way to drip donut cremes or spill coffee on these notes

Thank you for pointing that out. During the creation of the cases I did not take much consideration on naming the tables. I will either make all of them plural or singular.