Comment by moomin
9 days ago
The roots of the 2nd amendment are way murky. Two contributing factors: 1) Guns were essential for controlling slaves 2) No-one trusted the US Army (partly because it was heavily associated with Alexander Hamilton)
9 days ago
The roots of the 2nd amendment are way murky. Two contributing factors: 1) Guns were essential for controlling slaves 2) No-one trusted the US Army (partly because it was heavily associated with Alexander Hamilton)
I always thought it was derived from the English Bill Of Rights 1688: "That the Subjects which are Protestants may have Arms for their Defence suitable to their Conditions and as allowed by Law."
(lots of other similarities there too)
Isn't there also something about availability and quality of the guns back in the days if 2nd amendment? Eg. they were expensive, bulky and slow to fire, whereas now they are neither.