Comment by karmakurtisaani
9 days ago
I can only dream of the EU snatching top talent from the US and kick starting a competetive European tech sector. Cloud computing, AI etc. Now would be a great time to take the initiative.
9 days ago
I can only dream of the EU snatching top talent from the US and kick starting a competetive European tech sector. Cloud computing, AI etc. Now would be a great time to take the initiative.
> I can only dream of the EU snatching top talent from the US
This top talent will not be satisfied with the common salaries in many EU countries. Also, it will be unsatisfied that Ireland and Malta are the only EU countries where English is an official language, and in none of them English is the only official language.
You romanticize the EU. There are insurmountable problems specially in the "old" EU members.
Chief being that the EU is not a nation state.
Nations within the EU have their own interests that conflict
That's part of the dream. Member states getting their shit together and push for mutual progress. This would of course fuel the nationalist opposition and cause it to crash, but one can always dream.